
Send us a video of your catch, get $50 cash!


Here is how it works:

  • RECORD: Capture a SUNFRAN fish-on moment on video, and photos.
  • UPLOAD: In the description box of the upload page, tell us what's in the video, when, where, species, sizes, how the jigger worked. By submitting your video, you agree to the terms.
  • GET PAID: For each video we like, we will pay you $50 to buy. Payment will be made via PayPal or Zelle or a check.



  • To capture the fish-on moment, you may need non-stop recording for a few hours. We use this set from Amazon, and can record 10 hours of video: camera, sd card, extra battery for camera, gooseneck mount.
  • Vertical (portrait) videos are preferred but capturing the moment of excitement is the key.
  • Great if it has your voice.
  • Great if the SUNFRAN logos are visible in the video.
  • No problem if your video is too big or long, we can handle editing.


Name Your Own Price!
Name Your Own Price!
Name Your Own Price!